Wednesday, August 22, 2012

RAPTURE by Lauren Kate

History can be rewritten ...
But at what cost?

       These are the lines from the back of the book which really caught my attention, and made me think what will happen to the story that i've been reading since book one is there a happy ending waiting for Lucinda Price and her angel Daniel Grigori?
Well the long wait is over,the book had been released June of this year, and i've been reading reviews about it and it amazed me how they keep telling me there are twist at the story so i hold their tongue and see and read it for myself.
 And finally after 2 months of busy schedule i had a time reading and tasting every part of the story :)

(Warning:Spoiler here) :))

After the long adventure of Lucinda with the announcers and with her gargoyle friend who happened to be Lucifer she found out her past selves and see for herself the depth of her love and Daniel but thankfully she discovered while in Egypt that Bill is just a pretender because he is Lucifer who wanted Lucinda to finish her soul. Why? You will find out here and you will be shocked

When Lucifer decided to return in time of The Fallen so that he can rewrite history Lucinda, Daniel and the other fallen angels had only 9 precious days to stop it or else everything will be gone most especially Lucinda. They need to find the 3 vital instruments needed for them to be able to find out where exactly The Fallen had occurred. While searching Lucinda finally remembered everything and discovered that the punishment that keep on repeating between her and Daniel was not Daniel's punishment for choosing her but its her punishment. And also she found out that she is one of the trusted angel of God and also in this time she unfurled her wings but this is not the most shocking of all, when she regain her memory she remembered that her first love was Lucifer (oohhh. God) Lucifer taught her to love and be adored but eventually he became jealous of God and it brings fear on Lucinda, but though evil Lucinda is Lucifer's great love until the end of the story he keeps on fighting for it.
But in the end when Lucinda was confronted by God to choose heaven to be with Him or hell to be with Lucifer she choose what Daniel choose which is Love, but if they choose this they will be reborn as mortals and have to find each other but this doesn't stop them for choosing it
After 17 years they still found each other and their angel friends are still watching over them.

Touching story that teaches us to choose what we love and stand and face the consequences eventually real love will find us :) like what Daniel said "We put our faith in love"

Enjoy the fallen series:) :3


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